Daddybuck’s Notebook Episode 8: Writing

Hello, and welcome to Daddybuck’s Notebook. I’m Lindsay, and my grandfather, who we called Daddybuck, was a creative genius. In this podcast, my goal is to find the beautiful things he made and share them with the world, and with you. I’m also going to be sharing my own works with you, paying it forward from the inspiration he gave me.

[music fades in, “Brittle Rille” by Kevin MacLeod, soft chimes and cello in simple melody]

Hello, and welcome to Daddybuck’s Notebook. I’m Lindsay, and my grandfather, who we called Daddybuck, was a creative genius. In this podcast, my goal is to find the beautiful things he made and share them with the world, and with you. I’m also going to be sharing my own works with you, paying it forward from the inspiration he gave me.

[music fades out]

This episode is going to be short. I wasn’t planning on doing THIS one, I uh… you see, I got a little bit sidetracked.

Reading Daddybuck’s meditations, it struck me that he was sort of… torn, in how to approach his own creativity.

Here’s a poem he wrote about his relationship to writing, and to God.

It’s called… Writing.


Writing gives me peace during pain
For I can speak of my Savior
And worship Him who gave me life
To live, strive, think, grow, discover
The Lord Jesus Christ!
Isn’t that wonderful,
To discover Jesus
Who was here all the times
I was in darkness.

If I had no pain I would have no peace
For pain is the gasoline
That powers the motor that moves me about
Seeking rest, seeking relief, seeking Jesus
Who says, “My grace is sufficient for you.”
And He is indeed the Prince of Peace.

In pain do I write of Jesus
In suffering do I taste the cross
A little – only a little
But He moved past His cross
Into a better life
As I move past my pain
Into a better life with him,
Even in this world
And certainly in the next.


[music fades in, same as before]

Daddybuck was a religious man. He loved Jesus so much and he knew that God loved him back, that God’s son had sacrificed himself for him.

And then there’s this… thing that happens sometimes, where, even knowing that Jesus loves you completely, you can be the type of person that still thinks that you deserve pain in order to accept that love.

That’s my interpretation though. I’ve got my own life experiences and biases going into that when I read these poems, and the way he turns them back from so many things that I want to know about, and thinks about Jesus again.

Writings like this have given me a lot to think about. And I’m still collecting those thoughts into words that would actually make sense, so… I’ll get back to you.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with my favorite poem again by my Daddybuck. It’s called Creativity.

If you could create
New word or new shape
Put your mind in a box
And watch it escape

The music in today’s episode is “Brittle Rille” by Kevin McLeod. The poem “Writing” is by John S. Townsend, all rights reserved. You can find transcripts of this show on my website:

Stay creative.

[music fades out]

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